

Netflix and YouTube Reduce Streaming Quality for 30 Days

Following unprecedented use of the internet during the coronavirus pandemic — more people are working from home than ever before — Netflix and YouTube announced they would be reducing the streaming quality of videos to avoid straining already stretched services. Although neither have expressed concerns about their networks being maxed out, and internet service providers Netflix and YouTube Reduce Streaming Quality for 30 Days

Water Cycle Diagram

What Do Startups, Streaming Services, and Digital Currencies All Have in Common?

The cyclical nature of history; that’s quite a mouthful. A simpler and more common way to put that would be history repeats itself. A more technical term for this phenomena is called historic recurrence. We’ve probably all heard the quote: “Those who cannot learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it.” — Paraphrased from What Do Startups, Streaming Services, and Digital Currencies All Have in Common?